Changing behavior isn’t easy. No secret there. Every day, we help clients navigate and respond to Marketing change. We get to shape the tools they use and help them adapt to those changes. So, when a group like us is asked to change – we take note!
In order to stay sane on your journey to Agile keep these things in mind:
- Be Flexible – Regardless of the role, flexibility is key. Changes in process, timing, and cadence affect everyone. Expect to operate differently and try to embrace the change the best you can. Everyone wants to get to Wally World! Be patient with your team as you make your way there.
- Mind your Stories – In Agile, Stories are king. Everyone has a different relationship with their Stories. Product Owners own, Scrum Masters manage, and Developers execute. The quality of the product going out the door is directly related to the quality of the Stories. So, if you care about THAT, you should care about the Stories.
- Don’t take it personally – Change can be stressful. Cut your teammates some extra slack during the transition. Objections can be voiced, but be thoughtful and try not to be too rigid. Is it something that needs to change? Or should you adapt? Going with the flow can often be the wiser path.
- Understand your Role – Be very clear on where you fit into “the new world”. On our journey, roles and responsibilities proved to be more difficult than we originally anticipated. Cross-functionality within the team is embraced, so individual skills and the ‘team vibe’ is celebrated. One of the things I like best about Agile is that roles are dynamic, yet clearly defined.
- Embrace the Ceremonies – The ceremonies themselves are a major component of Agile. Embrace them. Understand your role and responsibility as it relates to each ceremony. Setting up a public calendar of ceremonies improves visibility for all stakeholders. Leverage the ceremonies to help celebrate your successes.
The journey from Waterfall to Agile is not a piece of cake, but it can be worthwhile. The learning curve is real and can be manageable… if your team comes ready for the challenge. However your journey plays out, you will learn a lot about yourself and your team mates. Approaching this change should be done with a curious mind and a flexible attitude. In the end, your user community should realize the benefits through focused priorities, more frequent releases, and improved visibility of the work being delivered.
As we all know the Griswold’s made it to Wally World and had a wild adventure in the process. Hopefully, these tips will help you embrace your journey to Agile.
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